BRS Gross Anatomy (Board Review Series) [Kindle Edition]
Author: Kyung Won Chung | Language: English | ISBN: B0087GYWF8 | Format: PDF, EPUB
BRS Gross Anatomy
Download electronic versions of selected books BRS Gross Anatomy from with Mediafire Link Download Link BRS Gross Anatomy presents a concise review of human anatomy for students in medical, dental, graduate, physician assistant, physical therapy, and other health science programs. Condensed descriptions, full-color illustrations, and concise outline format combine with board-style questions and a comprehensive exam at the end of the book for a comprehensive, clinically relevant review for USMLE and other board exams in health-related professions. Although in summary form, coverage is similar to standard textbooks for human anatomy courses Books with free ebook downloads available BRS Gross Anatomy
Download electronic versions of selected books BRS Gross Anatomy from with Mediafire Link Download Link BRS Gross Anatomy presents a concise review of human anatomy for students in medical, dental, graduate, physician assistant, physical therapy, and other health science programs. Condensed descriptions, full-color illustrations, and concise outline format combine with board-style questions and a comprehensive exam at the end of the book for a comprehensive, clinically relevant review for USMLE and other board exams in health-related professions. Although in summary form, coverage is similar to standard textbooks for human anatomy courses Books with free ebook downloads available BRS Gross Anatomy
- File Size: 14704 KB
- Print Length: 504 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 7 edition (May 29, 2012)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0087GYWF8
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #268,189 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #67 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Basic Science > Anatomy
This is a very accessible and efficient anatomy book and what I would recommend first to any medical students. I find class and lab much easier if I first read the BRS book and try to get a basic overview. The biggest strength of this book is a review that helps integrate muscles, nerves, vessels, and actions, while also giving clinical correlates.By regista43
good book to have to help with a first year just learning or a second year preparing for board examsBy Dirk Lenaburg
was in the original condition when bought and packaged in the original wrapping
a good book to review and test yourself with questions
access to online question banks also
good teaching sections within the book as well from Dr. Chung
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