The Elements of Style (Illustrated) [Kindle Edition]
Author: William Strunk Junior | Language: English | ISBN: B00HX6DK5Q | Format: PDF, EPUB
The Elements of Style
Direct download links available The Elements of Style from 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link Beautifully designed and carefully proofed for digital publication, this edition includes:
• 10 unique illustrations relevant to its content;
• Detailed biography of William Strunk;
• Table of Contents with Quick Navigation.
The Elements of Style (1918), by William Strunk, Jr., is a prescriptive American English writing style guide comprising seven “elementary rules of usage”, eleven “elementary principles of composition”, “a few matters of form”, a list of sixty-two “words and expressions commonly misused”, and a list of sixty-five “words often misspelled”. In 2011, Time magazine listed The Elements of Style as one of the 100 best and most influential books written in English. Books with free ebook downloads available The Elements of Style (Illustrated) [Kindle Edition]
Direct download links available The Elements of Style from 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link Beautifully designed and carefully proofed for digital publication, this edition includes:
• 10 unique illustrations relevant to its content;
• Detailed biography of William Strunk;
• Table of Contents with Quick Navigation.
The Elements of Style (1918), by William Strunk, Jr., is a prescriptive American English writing style guide comprising seven “elementary rules of usage”, eleven “elementary principles of composition”, “a few matters of form”, a list of sixty-two “words and expressions commonly misused”, and a list of sixty-five “words often misspelled”. In 2011, Time magazine listed The Elements of Style as one of the 100 best and most influential books written in English. Books with free ebook downloads available The Elements of Style (Illustrated) [Kindle Edition]
- File Size: 385 KB
- Print Length: 88 pages
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5,481 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Education & Reference
- #4 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Teacher Resources > Pedagogy
- #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Writing, Research & Publishing Guides > Writing Skills
When I write a book I use only a handful of reference tools: dictionary, thesaurus, Gregg's Reference Handbook, Writers Market, and the Elements of Style. Strunk and White is a wonderfully-written, extraordinarily concise tool that pays homage to classic high-end English. It takes language insight to make this prediction in 1979: "By the time this paragraph makes print, uptight... rap, dude, vibes, copout, and funky will be the words of yesteryear." The book begins with eleven "Elementary Rules of Usage," and then continues with eleven more "Elementary Rules of Composition," and eleven "Matters of Form." Each is presented as a brief statement followed by another sentence or two of explanation and a few clarifying examples. This amazing compilation fills only thirty-eight pages, yet covers ninety percent of good writing fundamentals. My favorite section is Chapter IV, a twenty-seven-page, alphabetical listing of commonly misused words and expressions. Here's a trade secret: when my manuscript is "done," I then turn to this chapter and use my word processor's Find function to study every instance of all these problematic words and phrases. I never fail to find errors this way. Many great writers are so only because they've learned to make use of the best available tools. The end of the book contains an essay on "An Approach to Style" with a list of twenty-one "Reminders." Those who fight the apparently-natural tendency to go against these recommendations succeed as writers. Those who don't, fail. It's that simple. The single drawback of The Elements of Style is that it's too concise; it does not stand alone as an all-encompassing tutorial or reference guide. Many readers will seek other sources for more in-depth explanation of style elements. Despite that, it easily replaces ten pounds of other reference material. --Christopher Bonn Jonnes, author of Wake Up Dead.By Christopher B. Jonnes
As the 'rules' in this iconic book take up only 14 pages, it continually amazes me how often I can find the answer to a grammar or punctuation guestion within those pages. It doesn't cover everything, and some of the 'rules' are of course changing with the passage of time - but if a wannabe writer can't afford a whole bookcase of tomes on How to Write, then this is the one he or she should buy.By Peggy Vincent
Beyond those 14 pithy pages, however, are another 100 or so that extend the value of the book immeasurably: Principles of Composition, Commonly Misused Words, and perhaps the most valuable: An Approach to Style, which gives excellent advice along the lines of Do not overwrite, Avoid qualifiers, Don't over-explain, Avoid adverbs, Avoid dialect, Don't inject opinion, and tons of others.
When all's said and done, however, one of the very best parts is a wonderful essay by the inimitable EB White himself - the Introduction, which serves as a perfect example of all that the rest of the small book preaches: write concisely, clearly, and well, and say something worthwhile.
Other books for writers to consider: Bird by Bird, On Writing, and Writing Down the Bones.
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