Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not [Kindle Edition]
Author: Florence Nightingale | Language: English | ISBN: B003TU1OI0 | Format: PDF, EPUB
Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not
Download Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not [Kindle Edition] from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link First published in 1859, "Notes on Nursing" was written by the innovative female nurse Florence Nightingale, the woman responsible for improving hospital conditions in war-torn Crimea. Though relatively short, this work is entirely comprised of nursing hints designed to aid individuals entrusted with the health care of others. The advice Nightingale wrote of included such practicalities as the ventilation, heating, noise, light, bedding, and cleanliness of the invalid's environment, as well as a nurse's personal cleanliness and methods of observation. This work also addresses the treatment of the individuals being nursed, from the food they consume to the things they should or should not be told. Though the author herself stressed the fledgling nature of her guide, Nightingale's effort to systematize the care of the unhealthy has since earned her recognition as one of the world's founders of modern nursing. Books with free ebook downloads available Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not [Kindle Edition]
Download Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not [Kindle Edition] from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link First published in 1859, "Notes on Nursing" was written by the innovative female nurse Florence Nightingale, the woman responsible for improving hospital conditions in war-torn Crimea. Though relatively short, this work is entirely comprised of nursing hints designed to aid individuals entrusted with the health care of others. The advice Nightingale wrote of included such practicalities as the ventilation, heating, noise, light, bedding, and cleanliness of the invalid's environment, as well as a nurse's personal cleanliness and methods of observation. This work also addresses the treatment of the individuals being nursed, from the food they consume to the things they should or should not be told. Though the author herself stressed the fledgling nature of her guide, Nightingale's effort to systematize the care of the unhealthy has since earned her recognition as one of the world's founders of modern nursing. Books with free ebook downloads available Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not [Kindle Edition]
- File Size: 292 KB
- Print Length: 102 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 142093502X
- Publisher:; 1 edition (June 24, 2010)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B003TU1OI0
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #119,411 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
First I am an RN (an OLD RN) and to me modern Nursing began with Miss Nightingale. Prior to her works hospitals were a place to be feared. Nurses were women who were paid in Port Wine and worked 20 hour days carrying slop buckets and then delivering meal trays or changing bandages. Miss Nightingale along with Dr Ignaz Semmelweis on th emedical side,brought the simple idea of cleanliness equals health to the public. The simple act of hand washing and circulating air by opening windows made dramatic changes in a patient's chance of survival. Prior to that era doctors would go from autopsy to surgery to office hours and never wash their hands or change their bloody coat. (That's just nasty isn't it?)By P. Keadle
Now the younger Nurses I know say Miss Nightingale was old fashioned and something of a prude as it came to what a Nurse is. Well maybe so, but if it had not been for someone beginning a school to educate Professional Nurses there would not BE the career/calling/occupation of A NURSE for the past century or more. We don't wear aprons, don't wear caps, don't salute the doctors, but we DO make all the difference in patient care. Thank you Miss Nightingale for being A NURSE!
I downloaded this as a free book, but just as well would have paid for a hard copy as it is a classic beauty in my opinion.
Much of what Florence Nightengale is still pertinet today when you get back to the basics of nursing. Excellent commentaries by various authors at the beginning of the book provide insights on how Nightengale's thoughts and theories apply to modern nursing.By A Customer
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