Saturday, December 14, 2013

Exploring the History of Medicine

Exploring the History of Medicine [Kindle Edition]

Author: John Hudson Tiner | Language: English | ISBN: B00IK7U6E0 | Format: PDF, EPUB

Exploring the History of Medicine
Posts about Download The Book Exploring the History of Medicine for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link From surgery to vaccines, man has made great strides in the field of medicine. Quality of life has improved dramatically in the last few decades alone, and the future is bright. But students must not forget that God provided humans with minds and resources to bring about these advances.

A biblical perspective of healing and the use of medicine provides the best foundation for treating diseases and injury. In Exploring the World of Medicine, author John Hudson Tiner reveals the spectacular discoveries that started with men and women who used their abilities to better mankind and give glory to God.

The fascinating history of medicine comes alive in this book, providing students with a healthy dose of facts, mini-biographies, and vintage illustrations. Includes chapter tests and index. Books with free ebook downloads available Exploring the History of Medicine [Kindle Edition]
  • File Size: 16792 KB
  • Print Length: 300 pages
  • Publisher: Master Books (April 1, 1999)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00IK7U6E0
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
    Not Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #483,551 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
"Exploring the History of Medicine" provides an overview of advances in medicine from ancient to modern times in the context of the people who discovered key medical advances. It's easy to read and understand and the few technical terms were defined in the text. There were also interesting black and white pictures and illustrations. At the end of each chapter, there were 8-17 questions that tested if you learned the important points in the chapter. The answer key was in the back. The book is suitable for middle schoolers on up.

The author mentioned it when the scientist or doctor being discussed was a Christian. Overall, the book was interesting and well-written. I'd highly recommend it to those interested in gaining a basic overview of advances made in medicine throughout history.

Chapter 1 talked about ancient physicians (Imhotep, Hippocrates, Galen) and what they contributed to medical knowledge. Chapter 2 talked about what Galen got wrong and how that affected medicine in the Middle Ages and beyond. Chapter 3 talked about advances in knowledge about human anatomy by Andreas Vesalius. Chapter 4 talked about the father of modern surgery, Ambroise Pare. Chapter 5 talked about the discoveries about blood circulation made by William Harvey and David Fabricius.

Chapter 6 talked about microscopes and the discoveries Antoni van Leeuwenhoek made using them. Chapter 7 talked about small pox and Edward Jenner. Chapter 8 talked about advances in surgical pain killers made by Humphry Davy and by James Young Simpson. Chapter 9 talked about advances in surgical pain killers made by William Morton. Chapter 10 talked about the discoveries about the spread of diseases made by Ignaz Semmelweiss.

Chapter 11 talked about discoveries made by Louis Pasteur.

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