Language Disorders from Infancy Through Adolescence: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Communicating [Kindle Edition]
Author: Rhea Paul | Language: English | ISBN: B008AIS326 | Format: PDF, EPUB
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Language Disorders from Infancy Through Adolescence, 4th Edition is the go-to text for all the information you need to properly assess childhood language disorders and provide appropriate treatment. This core resource spans the entire developmental period through adolescence, and uses a descriptive-developmental approach to present basic concepts and vocabulary, an overview of key issues and controversies, the scope of communicative difficulties that make up child language disorders, and information on how language pathologists approach the assessment and intervention processes. This new edition also features significant updates in research, trends, instruction best practices, and social skills assessment.
- Comprehensive text covers the entire developmental period through adolescence.
- Clinical application focus featuring case studies, clinical vignettes, and suggested projects helps you apply concepts to professional practice.
- Straightforward, conversational writing style makes this book easy to read and understand.
- More than 230 tables and boxes summarize important information such as dialogue examples, sample assessment plans, assessment and intervention principles, activities, and sample transcripts.
- UNIQUE! Practice exercises with sample transcripts allow you to apply different methods of analysis.
- UNIQUE! Helpful study guides at the end of each chapter help you review and apply what you have learned.
- Versatile text is perfect for a variety of language disorder courses, and serves as a great reference tool for professional practitioners.
- Highly regarded lead author Rhea Paul lends her expertise in diagnosing and managing pediatric language disorders.
- Communication development milestones are printed on the inside front cover for quick access.
- Chapter objectives summarize what you can expect to learn in each chapter.
- Updated content features the latest research, theories, trends and techniques in the field.
- Information on autism incorporated throughout the text
- Best practices in preliteracy and literacy instruction
- The role of the speech-language pathologist on school literacy teams and in response to intervention
- New reference sources
- Student/Professional Resources on Evolve include an image bank, video clips, and references linked to PubMed.
- File Size: 27301 KB
- Print Length: 784 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Mosby; 4 edition (June 4, 2012)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B008AIS326
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #350,830 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #24 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Allied Health Professions > Audiology & Speech Pathology
- #38 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Allied Health Professions > Occupational Therapy
First, this is a great book. It is well written and easy to read. Rhea Paul is just fantastic. My only negative about this book (and it is a big one) is that the Kindle edition is terrible. It uses location, not page numbers. The table of contents is vague (only gives the chapter, not the points within each chapter), meaning if you are looking for something, you have to start at the chapter and scroll through it to find what you want. I buy the kindle editions of books whenever I can because I like the speed at which I can find things. For this book, I had to buy the book edition as well. This was a waste of money. DO NOT BUY THE KINDLE EDITION.By SLPguy
I am disappointed in this text. First, it weighs a ton and is very awkward to hold for any length of time. Second, although Rhea Paul is obviously very knowledgable about her field, the material is not edited well. There is too much information presented in too broad a format. The book reads more like a survey of the literature rather than as a guide for beginning SLP students. Also, there are 76 pages of references but no glossary!By Gloria